The deacons are called to lead the congregation in witness, compassion, and service. We manifest that in many ways. The deacons maintain the flock list - each member family and friends of the congregation are assigned a Deacon to help out as needed. We provide meals for members who are ill or going through difficult times.
We recommend community donations of budgeted operating funds to ministries such as Amherst St school backpack program, the Hunger Task Force, the Front Door, and the Boys and Girls Club.
We provide assistance to the congregation and local community as needed with grocery gift cards, gasoline gift cards, etc.
We also coordinate volunteers for the Soup Kitchen and Family Promise (formerly Anne Marie House).
In addition to coordinating the church vegetable garden program, we collect and distribute to the larger community items for emergency buckets , school supplies, the angel tree, Christmas socks, Easter baskets, etc.
We maintain the teddy bear ministry and provide the monthly birthday cake as well as maintaining the congregation's birthday and anniversary lists.
We recommend community donations of budgeted operating funds to ministries such as Amherst St school backpack program, the Hunger Task Force, the Front Door, and the Boys and Girls Club.
We provide assistance to the congregation and local community as needed with grocery gift cards, gasoline gift cards, etc.
We also coordinate volunteers for the Soup Kitchen and Family Promise (formerly Anne Marie House).
In addition to coordinating the church vegetable garden program, we collect and distribute to the larger community items for emergency buckets , school supplies, the angel tree, Christmas socks, Easter baskets, etc.
We maintain the teddy bear ministry and provide the monthly birthday cake as well as maintaining the congregation's birthday and anniversary lists.